Types of Prescriptions Explained

We use a variety of prescription types to provide medication to patients. Below are some explanations of the different types of prescriptions we use:

Repeat Prescriptions

Repeat prescriptions is for medication you take for long term such as tablets. For example: a statin tablet once a day. This is so we can be sure of how long the tablets should last you. Please do not request them more than 1 week before they are due unless their is a good reason e.g. you are going away.

Variable Use Prescriptions

Variable Use prescriptions are for medications that you do not use every day, or the amounts you use will change. For example eczema cream.

This gives you more flexibility on when you can request them from us.

Acute Prescriptions

Acute prescriptions are for one off or short term medication. For example antibiotics to treat an infection.

They are also used when starting a new medication if there needs to be a review before you start taking it long term. Any requests for acute prescriptions must be made via Accurx. This is because there is a need for a clinical review before we give you more.

Other common terms used when Prescribing.

Dosette Boxes or Nomads

These are boxes to help people with extra needs to take their medication. The pharmacist will provide a box with each days medication already separated.

For people who need these we usually issue 4 x 1 week repeat dispensing batches that the chemist then dispense weekly for the patient.

Controlled Drugs

Some medication we provide can be higher risk or have potential for abuse, as well as their legitimate use. These items are called controlled drugs. There are restrictions on how they are prescribed and how often.

Surgical Appliances and Devices

Surgical Appliances and Devices are a broad term for any externally applied device to help with various issues. These include compression stockings and hosiery, colostomy and stoma products and many more. They are often made to measure and supplied by specialist pharmacies. Although some community pharmacies also dispense them.

Electronic Prescribing/EPS

We almost only use electronic prescribing rather than paper prescriptions. EPS has the benefit of being able to be sent to the patient’s nominated chemist. They can also be sent anywhere in England if needed.

It also means that chemists can check on the status of prescriptions. If your prescription has gone EPS, but it needs  changing to a different chemist, the chemist will be able to change this for. This reduces the need to contact the GP surgery.

Nominated Chemist

The vast majority of people who have regular medication have a usual chemist. Please speak to them if you want your prescriptions to automatically be sent to them via EPS. This is your pharmacy nomination.

If we don’t have a nominated chemist recorded for you, then we will ask you for one. The choice of pharmacy is completely up to you.